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  • Pic小孩子:如果有人要杀你或你的父母,只要你不认耶稣就放了你。你怎么做?
  • 2:8-11 
  • .1)主掌管一切
  • 2:8 你要写信给士每拿教会的使者,说:那首先的、末後的、死过又活的,说:
  • 首先的、末后的 } 主掌管人的历史
  • 死过又活的 } 主胜过死亡,祂已复活,所以不要惧怕死亡
  • 若不是主的旨意,不会有任何逼迫临到我们
  • 10:28 那杀身体,不能杀灵魂的,不要怕他们;惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的,正要怕他。29 两个麻雀不是卖一分银子吗?若是你们的父不许,一个也不能掉在地上;30 就是你们的头发也都被数过了。31 所以,不要惧怕,你们比许多麻雀还贵重!」
  • .2贫穷之人也能富足
  • V9  我知道你的患难,你的贫穷(你却是富足的),
  • 背景:当逼迫临到然士每拿教会时,信徒难免会受贫
  • e.g. 抢你的东西、禁止你做买卖(e.g. 兽印> 不属基督的人)。
  • : 主为什么称他们为富足?是讽刺他们吗? 当然不是!因他们对主的信心是富足的
  • 信心富足的人,在患难中他能够:平安、盼望、喜乐、坚忍。
  • e.g.一些生活中什么都拥有,却对主的信心是贫穷的
  • e.g. 信心贫穷的:经常担心害怕,没有喜乐,不盼望主的再来,容易跌倒
  • 3 Pic: 物质富足 vs 信心富足,假设只能选一样你会选择哪一样?
  • e.g.有位渴慕天堂的弟兄曾说,有一天他突然想到如果现在他死了,父亲留给他的产业就没有机会享受。突然一直向往去天堂的他,突然觉得地上比天堂更好。发现自己信心贫困!
  • ap祈求神赐我们在信心上富足
  • 3.不是所有的犹太人都是神的子民
  • V9 也知道那自称是犹太人所说的毁谤话,其实他们不是犹太人,乃是撒但一会的人。
  • Pic 不是所有的犹太人都是神的子民 (何1:9、罗2:28-29、9:6-8、约3:39-44、启3:9)
  • 犹太人口口声声说敬拜、事奉上帝,但却杀害耶稣
  • 他们奉上帝的名字,来逼迫教会[1]。却不知自己自己就是撒但的党徒
  • 问:这些犹太人是犹太人吗?
  • 按肉身血缘他们是犹太人。但按属灵而已:他们不是犹太人, 而是撒但的党徒
  • e.g.主说(约 8:39-44)他们不是亚伯拉罕儿女,而是属魔鬼
  • 法利赛人其实是不信圣经(约5:46-47、路16:29-31)
  • 问:谁才是真以色列人?亚伯拉罕的子孙呢?
  • 3:7 所以,你们要知道:那以信为本的人,就是亚伯拉罕的子孙。
  • pic 今日也有一些自称是敬拜事奉上帝的人,奉上帝的名字杀害基督徒
  • .4)主要我们至死忠心
  • V10 你将要受的苦你不用怕。魔鬼要把你们中间几个人下在监里[2],叫你们被试炼,你们必受患难十日[3]。你务要至死忠心,我就赐给你那生命的冠冕 στέφανος[4]
  • 罗马政权要把教会中间几个人下在监里,背后其实是魔鬼的作为
  • Pic不信主之人(罗马政权)不知不觉中被魔鬼利用来伤害基督徒
  • e.g.历史中,因信耶稣而被自己的家人逼迫伤害(太10:21-22、可13:12-13、路12:52-53)
  • e.g.在一些中东地区,因为相信耶稣被父母杀死;因信耶稣被人讨厌
  • 好好为家人祷告,尽力传福音给他们
  • Pic预备将来的逼迫:(启20:7-8、太24:3-31、但11:36-37、帖后2:3-4、约壹2:18)
  • 问:如果有一天我们遭受到逼迫杀害,那么我们应该怎么办?
  • 问:早期基督徒们在面对逼迫时,他们的策略是什么?
  • 10:23  有人在这城里逼迫你们,就逃到那城里去。
  • 问:如果跑不掉怎么办? 那我们需要忠心致死 !
  • (第一)如何至死忠心:预备信主的代价
  • 8:34 於是叫众人和门徒来,对他们说:「若有人要跟从我,就当舍己,背起他的十字架来跟从我。35  因为,凡要救自己生命的,必丧掉生命;凡为我和福音丧掉生命的,必救了生命。
  • e.g.为国牺牲。信心能产生极大力量,甚至附上生命代价。
  • e.g.岳飞尽忠报国,为国捐躯。
  • 我们为我们的王基督附上生命的代价
  • 勇气忠心致死,必须要对主与祂的话语有信心!
  • Pic 多年以后 约主后166–167坡旅甲Polycarp[5]士每拿的主教,被活活烧死。
  • (第二)如何至死忠心:明白弃主的后果
  • 往往当我们明白其中的利害关系后,都会选择避开严重的后果.
  • Pic e.g. 问小孩子: 孩子们如果给你选择断手指还是断脚指?
  • e.g. 问小孩子: 死一次和死两次。你会选择什么?
  • 2:11 圣灵向众教会所说的话,凡有耳的,就应当听!得胜的,必不受第二次死的害
  • 主耶稣再来之时,所(义人与恶人)都要复活 (但12:2;约 5:29)
  • 恶人要复活受第二次的死
  • 若我们因苦难背叛主,面对“第二次死的害(启20:6,20:14、21:8)
  • 信耶稣得救。信心是包括要忠心致死
  • 10:33 凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必不认他。(路12:9)
  • : 你会选择放弃耶稣保住性命,还是为主牺牲,不受第二次的死?
  • (第三)如何至死忠心:渴慕未来赏赐
  • 救恩是白白的。一些基督徒只是得救,没有赏赐(林前3:13-15)
  • 大赏赐是赐给那些为主的名受羞辱、为主的缘故被杀害的人
  • 5:11  「人若因我辱骂你们,逼迫你们,捏造各样坏话毁谤你们,你们就有福了!12  应当欢喜快乐,因为你们在天上的赏赐是大的。在你们以前的先知,人也是这样逼迫他们。」
  • e.g. 911激进回教徒为何愿意冒着自己的生命去炸机?因他们想换取救恩、与赏赐 72美人陪伴
  • 但圣经的原则是我们为主的名被逼迫、被杀,会得大赏赐 (路6:22-23、太5:11-12)
  • 人人都有一死,若我能有这福分选择,我情愿为主的名而死。将来要得大赏赐(太5:11-12)
  • (第四)如何至死忠心:紧紧抓住神
  • 遇难时要不住祷告!
  • 求主开一条出路给我们,叫我们能忍受得住 (林前10:13)
  • (第五)如何至死忠心:主必保守我们到底
  • 如果我们真的被圣灵所生,成为天父的儿女。
  •  罗8:35-39 没有任何力量能叫我们与上帝的爱隔绝
  • 如果有一天我们无法逃避而必须要为主的名受逼迫,主会保守我们的信心
  • 10:27 我的羊听我的声音,我也认识他们,他们也跟著我。28  我又赐给他们永生;他们永不灭亡,谁也不能从我手里把他们夺去。29  我父把羊赐给我,他比万有都大,谁也不能从我父手里把他们夺去
  • 总结:
  • 2:10 …你务要至死忠心,我就赐给你那生命的冠冕。11 圣灵向众教会所说的话,凡有耳的,就应当听!得胜的,必不受第二次死的害。』」

[1] 背景:犹太人常在罗马政府前陷害基督徒(徒17:5-7),使基督徒受政府逼迫

[2]  Until the latter part of the first century, Christianity enjoyed a degree of protection under the umbrella of Judaism, which was an acceptable religion to Rome. The Jews were not forced to worship Caesar as a god, but were allowed to offer sacrifices in honor of emperors as rulers and not as gods. But after the Neronian persecution Christianity was increasingly seen as distinct from Judaism and ceased to enjoy protection under its umbrella. It then came under suspicion, since new religions were not acceptable in the empire. And the Jews, who sometimes had no qualms in semi-revering other deities (especially the Roman emperor) along with their OT God, often were only too willing to make the Roman authorities aware that the Christians were not a Jewish sect. Jews would have viewed Christianity as a religion distorting the Jewish Law and offering a perversely easy way of salvation. They also considered the Christian worship of a crucified criminal as the divine Messiah a blasphemy (cf. Acts 26:9–10). The mention of Roman persecution in v. 10 directly following that of Jewish slander conforms to historical reports of Jews allying with and encouraging Romans and Gentiles to oppress Christians (e.g., Acts 13:45, 50; 14:2–7, 19; 17:5–9; 1 Thess. 2:14–16). The imperial cult permeated virtually every aspect of city and often even village life in Asia Minor, so that individuals could aspire to economic prosperity and greater social standing only by participating to some degree in the Roman cult. Citizens of both upper and lower classes were required by local law to sacrifice to the emperor on various special occasions, and sometimes even visitors and foreigners were invited to do so. In addition, the city’s history reveals its particular loyalty to Rome, especially the fact that it had built more than one temple in honor of Roman religion.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. .

[3]  The ten days persecution does not have to refer to a literal period of ten days because it is an allusion to the ten days when Daniel and his friends were “tested.” Daniel was tempted to compromise with idolatry, which was likely the main reason he abstained from eating at the king’s table, where the food was probably dedicated to idols (see Dan. 1:2; 5:1–4). Likewise, whether or not the ten days is literal, the point is that the Christians at Smyrna were also, like Daniel of old, not to compromise with idolatry.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H..

[4] The reward for faithfulness is the crown of life, that is, the crown that is life itself. It is not the royal crown (the diadēma) that is promised, but the wreath or garland (the stephanos) that was awarded to the victor at the games. Its value lay not in itself but in what it symbolized. According to Pausanias, Smyrna was famous for its games (6.14.3). With others, Bruce thinks that the imagery is suggested by the circle of colonnaded buildings on the crest of Mt. Pagos called the crown of Smyrna.Mounce, R. H.

Crown (stephanos) means a wreath or chaplet, and is to be distinguished from the royal crown (diadēma). The stephanos was the trophy awarded to the victor at the games, and the same word was used of the festive garland worn at banquets by all the guests. Here it is plainly the victory wreath, which would be specially appropriate in Smyrna, a city famous for its Games. The believer who remains faithful even when it means death will receive the trophy of victory. His crown is life.Morris, L.

[5] In the Martyrdom, Polycarp is recorded as saying on the day of his death: “Eighty and six years I have served Him, and He has done me no wrong.” This could indicate either that he was then eighty-six years old[13] or that he had lived eighty-six years after his conversion. Polycarp goes on to say: “How then can I blaspheme my King and Savior? You threaten me with a fire that burns for a season, and after a little while is quenched; but you are ignorant of the fire of everlasting punishment that is prepared for the wicked.”Polycarp was burned at the stake and pierced with a spear for refusing to burn incense to the Roman Emperor. On his farewell, he said: “I bless you, Father, for judging me worthy of this hour, so that in the company of the martyrs I may share the cup of Christ.”The date of Polycarp’s death is in dispute. Eusebius dates it to the reign of Marcus Aurelius, c. 166–167. However, a post-Eusebian addition to the Martyrdom of Polycarp, dates his death to Saturday, February 23, in the proconsulship of Lucius Statius Quadratus, c. 155 or 156. These earlier dates better fit the tradition of his association with Ignatius and John the Evangelist. From Wikipedia

When Polycarp was martyred at Smyrna somewhat later, the hostility of the Jews toward the Christians came out in their zeal in setting forward the execution. Though it was the sabbath, they gathered wood for the fire in which the martyr was burnt. Such hostility may well go back to the time when John wrote。Morris, L. (


06 如何寻回起初的爱2章1至7

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06 如何寻回起初的爱217

    • 问孩子:道德行为良好、殷勤事奉主、懂神学 VS 爱耶稣。不爱耶稣可以吗?why?
    • 217
    • 7封书信:有重要的属灵含义:
    • (1)给这七间教会信中的内容主题,也是全本启示录不断强调的
    • (2)历代众教会常见的问题都可以在7所教会看见
    • (3)能够预防教会陷入属灵危机
    • 背景:应该是使徒保罗所建立 (Acts 19 and 20:31)
    • 3 Pic以弗所教会处在繁华的城市。
    • Pic教会曾因亚底米女神的银匠与崇拜者,遭受以弗所人激烈反对(徒19:8-40)

    • I)主掌管众天使与教会
    • 2:1 你要写信给以弗所教会的使者,说:『那右手拿著七星、在七个金灯台中间行走的,说:
    • 教会的使者 ἄγγελος  = 天使。 看守神子民的天使 (但10:21、12:1)
    • Pic主耶稣掌管七星(所有的天使),七个金灯(所有教会)V1:20 预示符号 signifying symbolism 
    • Pic 教会在王图密善逼迫的期间。主提醒教会祂掌管众天使与众教会。
    • 提醒:无论你遇见什么困难。主提醒我们,祂掌管一切。

    • II)行为无法取代对神的爱
    • 2:2 我知道你的行为、劳碌、忍耐,也知道你不能容忍恶人。你也曾试验那自称为使徒却不是使徒的,看出他们是假的[1]来。3 你也能忍耐,曾为我的名劳苦,并不乏倦 6你恨恶尼哥拉一党人的行为
    • 8件[2]被主称赞的事:(1)行为、(2)劳碌、(3)忍耐、(4)不能容忍恶人(5)分辨出假使徒(6)忍耐 repeat(7)曾为主的名劳苦 (8)不乏倦 (9)恨恶尼哥拉一党人的行为
    • 在人的眼中,以弗所是一级棒的教会
    • 问:为什么行了这样多事,还不足够?
    • Pic e.g.当夫妻关系不好时:我为你作了这么多还不满足?你要我作的我都作了,你还要我怎样?
    • e.g.有时配偶生气可能是因为,他/她 觉得你不爱 他/她。
    • e.g.以前巴不得每天听见他/她的声音。 现在都懒得与他/她说话。
    • Pic因责任为他/她作事 vs 爱一个人为他他/她作事
    • e.g.机器人,女佣也可以做饭,洗地,为你作事。

    • (III)离弃了起初的爱被主责备
    • V4 然而有一件事我要责备你,就是你把起初的爱心离弃了[3]
    • 其实是严重属灵危机[4] Lord warn us out of love
    • checklist信徒:我来聚会、读经、祷告、过圣洁生活、奉献金钱、事奉。你不要再要求了!
    • 主要求我们的全心来爱祂!(太22:36-38)
    • O 22:37耶稣对他说:你要尽心、尽性、尽意爱主你的神。38这是诫命中的第一,且是最大的。
    • 问:神这样的要求我们,合理吗?过分吗?
    • 不过分!我只知主为我死,祂比任何人都更爱我。(可惜不是每一个人都有这样的认知)
    • 你若是感受不到主的爱,你要向主求。向主说!
    • 神要的是我们的心。我们是无法单单用行为来满足神的
    • Pic加尔文印章Calvin Seal。永约教会与恩约徽章「主啊,我们诚心即时献上我们的心给你」[5]
    • 3 slides 失去起初对主的爱的一些可能迹象:
    • 1以前享受与主说话,如今不渴慕亲近主。2曾经为认识主而兴奋,如今你不追求认识主。3当你开始说“我以前如何属灵、或爱主”。 4每一天无法有任何感恩的心。 5你认为主不爱你,给你遇苦难。6事奉主不再是喜乐满足,只是重担。7你想不起你最后一次向谁见证主耶稣。8你越来越爱世界[6]。9你陷入一些神厌恶的罪恶习惯。10你发现你有无法爱教会的弟兄姐妹[7],不爱教会 。 11很少读经祷告  12.偶尔来教会敬拜神。

    • (IV) 找出问题然后认罪与悔改
    • V5 所以,应当回想你是从那里坠落的,并要悔改,行起初所行的事。
    • (第一:找出问题所在)
    • 回想在什么事或物,使你对主的爱冷淡
    • 问:因你背的沉重十字架? 一些罪恶习惯? 嫉妒羡慕不满?   
    • 问:什么事占用你工作家庭孩子以外, 最多的时间?    调整时间!
    • 🙏 祷告主,求主祢开我的眼睛,让我们看见我们的问题
    • (第二:在主前不断认罪悔改)
    • 认罪与悔改,向神祈求帮助。
    • 🙏 主啊,求祢帮助我爱祢更多。
    • 问:也能祈求爱主? 是的!
    • (第三:重新追求爱主)restart the process
    • e.g.夫妻关系不好时也是如此,需要努力回到起点  
    • (V) 不爱主的严重后果
    • V5 …你若不悔改,我就临到你那里,把你的灯台从原处挪去[8]
    • 教会从原处挪去,是一个严厉的警告。
    • 难道是:  信徒受逼迫而离开以弗所?教会慢慢衰败然后渐渐消失?真的不知。
    • 唯一肯定的是,一定是有严重的后果。
    • e.g.夫妻。告诉对方,你如果不再爱我,就请你搬出去。是严重的。

    • VI)主对以弗所最后的嘉许与鼓励
    • V6然而你还有一件可取的事,就是你恨恶尼哥拉一党[9] [10]人的行为,这也是我所恨恶的。
    • 可能是为了勉励他们,所以把最后一个优点放在责备之后。
    • 尼哥拉党:应该是[11]关乎拜偶像、吃偶像祭物、淫乱之事(别迦摩 启2:14-15、雅推喇教2:20)

    • (VII) 信心是爱主与得胜的
    • 7圣灵向众教会所说的话,凡有耳的,就应当听!得胜的,我必将神乐园中生命树的果子赐给他吃[12]
    • 注意:圣灵是透过圣经向众教会说话!Spirit communicates via scriptures
    • 生命树的果子给他吃 = 预表永生

    • Encourage ! 上帝把祂的话赐给我们是因为祂爱我们
    • 神的话与圣灵会苏醒我们沉睡的灵魂,使我们爱主
    • 在主的恩典下 , 我们一定能过悔改,得胜!

    • 🙏 祷告主:
    • (1)求主开我们的眼睛,让我们看见自己的问题
    • (2)求主帮助我们,寻回起初的爱
    • (3)像大卫与彼得一样对主说:主我爱你 (诗18:1、约21:15)

[1] Paul had told the Ephesian elders in his farewell, “After I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock” (Acts 20:29), and the message to the Ephesian church in Revelation confirms the accuracy of his prediction.

[2] Jesus states nine positive things he knows about the church in Ephesus:The Ephesians had toiled to the point of exhaustion8 and borne patiently the hostility of a society at odds with their goals and efforts (cf. the problems of Paul in Ephesus with disbelieving Jews, the seven sons of Sceva, and the mob aroused by Demetrius the silversmith; Acts 19:8–40). Mounce, R. H.

[3] our greatest obligation as wholehearted love for God (Matthew 22:36–38), which declares to us that God is not pleased by dutiful obedience that does not flow from genuine love.Hamilton, J. M., Jr.

However, they have lost their first love (v. 4). This probably means they had lost their passion for the message of the gospel. Their focus was on maintaining the inward purity of the church, for which they are commended, so the rebuke must deal with their focus toward the outside world. This is why Christ chooses to introduce Himself in the way He does in v. 1. The mention that He walks among the seven golden lampstands is intended to remind the introverted readers that the primary role in relation to their Lord should be that of a light of witness to the outside world. A passionate love for Christ leads us to love those outside and seek to win them. This they have lost. That losing their first love was tantamount to becoming unzealous witnesses is suggested further by seeing a link with Matt. 24:12–14, which shows such an end-time expectation: “Most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.” The Ephesians were to remember how far they had fallen in the loss of their first love, and to return to what they had done at first (v. 5)—a reference to those days in which the entire province of Asia heard the word of the Lord through Paul and the Ephesian church (Acts 19:10). Otherwise, their lampstand will be removed. Those who had contained and shed abroad so much light through their possession of truth might lose it entirely.5 Israel had been a lampstand (Zech. 4:2, 11), but when they forsook their call to be a light to the nations (Isa. 42:6–7, 49:6), their lampstand was removed and the church in Christ continued the role of true Israel. The primary meaning of lampstand is that of witness, as is shown by Rev. 11:3–7, 10, where the lampstands refer to the prophetic witnesses. Jesus talked of the church as a lamp to be put on a lampstand (Mark 4:21; Luke 8:16), emphasizing the church’s role as witness to the nations. The lampstands also generally represent the power of the Spirit, since this is how they are implicitly identified in Zech. 4:6, although we have seen more precisely that John views the “lamps” as the Spirit which burns on the lampstands (the churches), thus empowering them for witness (see on 1:4, 12–13). Therefore, it is possible that the Ephesians’ leaving their first love refers to their lack of dependence on the Spirit, which was necessary for an effective witness. In fact, 11:3–7, 10 shows that witnessing is carried out through exercising a prophetic role.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

The expression includes both love of God and love of humanity at large, but here it seems to refer mainly to the love that the Ephesian converts had for one another (as in 2 John 5).15 Jer 2:2 is instructive. God speaks through the prophet to apostate Israel, “I remember the devotion of your youth, how as a bride you loved me and followed me through the desert” (cf. Judg 2:7, 10–11; Hos 2:14–16). A cooling of personal love for God inevitably results in the loss of harmonious relationships within the body of believers. Jesus had made it clear that “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Love for other believers was the distinctive badge of Christian discipleship,16 but at Ephesus hatred of heresy and extensive involvement in the works appropriate to faith had allowed the first fresh glow of love for God and one another to fade.17 Mounce, R. H

[4] (一些学者建议是指不传福音、一些建议是指不爱弟兄)

[5] cor meum tibi offero domine prompte et sincere「主啊,我们诚心即时献上我们的心给你」

[6] 约壹2:15 不要爱世界和世界上的事。人若爱世界,爱父的心就不在他里面了。

[7] 约壹4:20人若说我爱神,却恨他的弟兄,就是说谎话的;不爱他所看见的弟兄,就不能爱没有看见的神

[8] The city of Ephesus had been relocated because of the gradual silting up of its river, the Cayster. By analogy, Christ threatens to remove the church unless its people repent. If the church does not shine its light of witness, then God will “remove” them as a lampstand, i.e., no longer consider it a true lampstand, that is, a true church. The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015)

If they do not respond, Jesus Himself will come in judgment and the church at Ephesus will be no more. It is interesting to note that a coming of Jesus is referred to here which is definitely not His final return. The actual wording I will remove your lampstand from its place indicates the removal of the church as a light of witness to the world, which points to the removal of it before Christ’s final coming.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H..Otherwise, Christ threatens to remove your lampstand (v. 5). He alludes to the fact that the city of Ephesus had had to change location because of the gradual silting up of its river, the Cayster. It had been “removed” from earlier locations. By analogy, Christ threatens to dislocate and restructure the chur9ch unless she repents. Vern Poythress

[9] 2:6 Nicolaitans. A heretical group, probably holding views similar to the teaching of Balaam and Jezebel

The Nicolaitans probably taught that Christians could participate in the idolatrous culture of Ephesus. The city was dominated by the cult of the goddess Artemis, goddess of fertility, and her temple had thousands of priests and priestesses, with heavy involvement in prostitution. Part of the prosperous economy of the city was dependent on trade associated with the temple (Acts 19:23–41). The city had also been declared a “temple warden” of two temples dedicated to the imperial cult (worship of Caesar), which meant that this cult also played an essential part in the city’s life. Therefore, the church’s resistance to internal pressures to accommodate aspects of this idolatrous society was very commendable. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H

Paul had told the Ephesian elders in his farewell, “After I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock” (Acts 20:29), and the message to the Ephesian church in Revelation confirms the accuracy of his prediction.Mounce, R. H..

[10] 2:6 Nicolaitans. A heretical group, probably holding views similar to the teaching of Balaam and Jezebel

The Nicolaitans probably taught that Christians could participate in the idolatrous culture of Ephesus. The city was dominated by the cult of the goddess Artemis, goddess of fertility, and her temple had thousands of priests and priestesses, with heavy involvement in prostitution. Part of the prosperous economy of the city was dependent on trade associated with the temple (Acts 19:23–41). The city had also been declared a “temple warden” of two temples dedicated to the imperial cult (worship of Caesar), which meant that this cult also played an essential part in the city’s life. Therefore, the church’s resistance to internal pressures to accommodate aspects of this idolatrous society was very commendable. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H

[11] This heretical group is mentioned both here and in the letter to Pergamum 别迦摩教会 (2:15). The mention of eating food sacrificed to idols and committing sexual immorality in the letter to Thyatira 推雅推喇(2:20–21) as well as in the letter to Pergamum (2:14, where this is connected with the teaching of Balaam and closely related to the teaching of the Nicolaitans)23 indicates that all three of the churches were in some way affected by the sect.24 Broadly speaking, they had worked out a compromise with the pagan society in which they lived.25 But this compromise violated the requirements of the apostolic decree in which Gentiles entering the fellowship should abstain from “food sacrificed to idols … and from sexual immorality” (Acts 15:29; cf. v. 20). Mounce, R. H. (1997).

Paul had told the Ephesian elders in his farewell, “After I leave, savage wolves will come in among you and will not spare the flock” (Acts 20:29), and the message to the Ephesian church in Revelation confirms the accuracy of his prediction.Mounce, R. H..

[12] If the seven churches are also representative of the universal church, as we have further argued, then the contents of both the letters and the visions are also applicable to the church through the ages. …. Christ promises the inheritance of eternal life with Him, an inheritance which uniquely corresponds to His attributes or to the churches’ situation. Therefore, the logical flow of each letter climaxes with the promise of inheriting eternal life with Christ, which is the main point of each letter. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).


05 不要惧怕 启1章9-20

👉 启示录 mp3录音

不要惧怕,主耶稣已得胜  启1章9-20

    • Pic当图密善王知道在他的国中有人称有一位王比他还大,你猜他会做什么?
    • Pic问:爱国(e.g.several countries)。基督徒首先爱的是天国。有哪一位君王能够容纳?
    • 基督徒有时会受到逼迫, 因效忠的王是耶稣基督,爱的是天国
    • Pic人子的画像。问孩子们猜一猜画家画的是谁?

    • I) 进入天国,需要忍耐患难
    • 1:9  我约翰就是你们的弟兄,和你们在耶稣的患难、国度、忍耐里一同有分[1],为神的道,并为给耶稣作的见证,曾在那名叫拔摩的海岛上。
    • 提醒受苦的教会,他与他们一同在患难、国度、忍耐里有分
    • 有时神的百姓因见证耶稣,而受到逼迫
    • Pic e.g.2012年,美国一位敬畏主的蛋糕店老板被同性恋起诉[2] ,2020年又再被变性者起诉
    • Pic e.g.在文莱,你若庆祝圣诞节,可能被判监禁5年
    • 感谢主我们还未遇见逼迫。但有一天逼迫来时,不要惊讶(太 10:22、徒14:22、帖前3:2-3)

    • II) 启示是通过书信传给所有教会
    • 1:10当主日,我被圣灵感动[3],听见在我後面有大声音如吹号(好像号筒的响声),说:11  「你所看见的当写在书上,达与以弗所、士每拿、别迦摩、推雅推喇、撒狄、非拉铁非、老底嘉、那七个教会[4]。」

    • Pic所看见的,要写给7个教会(应该是按当时候书信传递的位置,今天的土耳其)
    • Pic 7 是完全的数字。7个教会 = 象征是给所有的教会
    • 注!当时受苦的教会是透过书信中的启示,来看见主耶稣!
    • 耶稣没有向每一间教会的牧者显现。而是透过书写的启示来启示祂自己!
    • 圣经的启示已经完毕,无人能够加添或较少 (启22:18)
    • 警戒:一些牧者自称被上帝邀请到天上一日游。 我的劝告是你们最好不要相信他们所说的启示
    • Pic曾有一个人告诉我他看见耶稣,我问他耶稣长什么样子,我讥笑的问他是不是金头发?
    • 问:我们怎样知道约翰看到的耶稣是真的耶稣?
    • Pic古代靠画像认人。警察认人是靠描述画像  
    • Pic现代版的耶稣画像?哪一位更像耶稣?
    • Pic约翰所看见的这人子,与但以理先知与以西结先知中的人子一样
    • III)主耶稣是那旧约中的人子 (26:64、但7:9-14[5]、但10:5-6、结1:24-28)
    • V12 [6] 我转过身来,要看是谁发声与我说话;既转过来,就看见七个金灯台[7] [8]。13  灯台中间有一位好像人子,身穿长衣,直垂到脚,胸间束著金带。14  他的头与发皆白,如白羊毛,如雪;眼目如同火焰;15  脚好像在炉中锻炼光明的铜;声音如同众水的声音。16  他右手拿著七星,从他口中出来一把两刃的利剑;面貌如同烈日放光。

    • 图像:主耶稣(大祭司)在天上的圣殿,看守七个金灯台[9](教会)

1:12-16 10:5-6 1:24-28
好像人子 见有一人 彷佛人的形状
身穿长衣 身穿细麻衣  
束著金带 精金带  
头与发皆白如白羊毛 7:9-14头发如纯净的羊毛  
眼目如同火焰 眼目如火把 腰以上有彷佛光耀的精金
脚好像在炉中锻炼光明的铜 脚如光明的铜 腰以下有彷佛火的形状
声音如同众水的声音 说话的声音如大众的声音 像大水的声音(1:24、43:2)
面貌如同烈日放光 面貌如闪电  

    • 约翰看见的主耶稣就是先知(但以理与以西结)所看见的是同一位!
    • 提醒:早期受苦的教会都没有看见主耶稣,唯有约翰看见,并把启示默示在圣经里
    • 主耶稣要我们回到圣经见祂!

    • V16他右手拿著七星,从他口中出来一把两刃的利剑
    • 七星预表所有天使(V20 ἄγγελος)= 象征所有的天使都必须听主耶稣的差遣
    • 口中出来一把两刃的利剑[10]
    • 引自:赛 11:4 描述基督审判(V16、2:16、19:15)
    • 提醒:主已经得胜了,有一天祂会驾云回来审判世界。(太26:64、但7:13-14)

    • V17 我一看见,就仆倒在他脚前,像死了一样[11]。他用右手按著我,说:「不要惧怕!我是首先的,我是末後的[12]
    • 约翰曾侧身挨近耶稣的怀里 (约13:23),如今却害怕

1:17  10:9 1:28
我一看见,就仆倒在他脚前,像死了一样 一听见就面伏在地沉睡了 我一看见就俯伏在地

    • Pic《从天堂回来的男孩:一个真实的故事》[13]是一本2010年畅销的基督教书籍,该书讲述的是Alex Malarkey[14]在2004年的一次交通事故后在天堂的经历。(书中提到的被证实是造假)
    • .IV) 主耶稣是耶和华
    • V17 我是首先的,我是末後的 (赛41:4; 44:6; and 48:12、启1:8、22:13*)
    • 44: 6 ..万军之耶和华如此说:我是首先的,我是末後的;除我以外再没有真神。
    • 主耶稣是耶和华上帝!
    • .V) 主耶稣掌管一切
    • V18又是那存活的;我曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远[15];并且拿著死亡和阴间的钥匙。19  所以你要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来[16]。20论到你所看见、在我右手中的七星和七个金灯台的奥秘,那七星就是七个教会的使者 ἄγγελος,七灯台就是七个教会。
    • O18 又是那存活的;我曾死过,现在又活了,直活到永永远远;并且拿著死亡和阴间的钥匙。
    • 主活到永永远远、掌管人的死亡、与阴间
    • O19 所以你要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来。
    • 主掌管未来的事,把将来必成的事预先告诉教会 [17]
    • O20..在我右手中的七星和七个金灯台的奥秘,那七星就是七个教会的使者,七灯台就是七个教会
    • 主掌管:七星象征所有天使 ἄγγελος,七灯台象征所有教会
    • 主掌管:死亡、阴间(V18)、未来的事(V19)、天使、教会(V20) 

    • 主耶稣提醒教会不要惧怕
    • 背景:那时的信徒惧怕:死亡、无法掌控的未来、魔鬼
    • 主掌管:死亡、阴间(V18)、未来的事(V19)、天使、教会(V20) 
    • 1)有时惧怕是因为:我们害怕失去在意的事或人
    • e.g.成绩、工作、健康、喜欢的人、健康、生命
    • 你所抓住的东西或人超越上帝时。你就容易产生惧怕。
    • 问:为什么抓住其它东西,容易产生惧怕?
    • 因你紧紧抓住什么,就害怕失去它。
    • e.g.害怕失去(教会、妻子、孩子、健康、金钱)?
    • 在我最困难的日子里,我是抓住主耶稣。
    • 祷告:祢可以把那些东西拿掉,只求祢不离开我。
    • 2)因为我们想掌管自己的生命
    • e.g.懂得驾车的人,坐在司机旁边是非常辛苦的事e.g.父亲e.g.妻子。唯有当你真正相信旁边的司机时你才不感到害怕。自己驾快车却不害怕。
    • 我们忧虑惧怕,可能是因为不信主的安排。稍微不合我们的意,就害怕起来
    • 3)问:你惧怕时,满脑想的是什么?
    • Pic图密善(掌管罗马、军队)?
    • Pic 在天上的人子(掌管天国、天使)
    • 要消除惧怕,需要回到神的话里见主耶稣。
    • 不要惧怕!我是首先的,我是末後的! (V17)

[1] Believers will conquer by refusing to compromise in the face of trials (2:9–11; 3:8–10), by suffering as John himself did (v. 9), and in general by pursuing Christlike character (chs. 2–3). Like Jesus’ beginning kingship, Revelation reveals that the saints’ reign consists in “overcoming” by not compromising their faithful witness in the face of trials (e.g., 2:9–11, 13; 3:8; 12:11), ruling over the powers of evil (e.g., see 6:8 in relation to 6:9–11), defeating sin in their lives (see chs. 2–3), as well as having begun to rule over death and Satan through their identification with Jesus (cf. 1:5–6, 18). Their endurance is part of the process of “overcoming” (see the concluding promise in each of the letters).Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015)

[2] In a previous case, the seven-member commission had found Phillips in violation of the state’s nondiscrimination laws for refusing service to a gay couple who ordered a wedding cake in 2012 (the Supreme Court overturned the commission’s decision in a narrow 2018 ruling, finding that its members displayed “clear and impermissible hostility” to religion). Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips is in court again, this time over allegations that his business unlawfully refused service to a transgender woman who requested trans-themed birthday cake. From nbcnews April 16, 2020

[3] John introduces his commissioning (I was in the Spirit) by using language similar to Ezekiel’s (Ezek. 2:2; 3:12, 14, 24), thus placing himself on a level with the OT prophets. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).

John records that he was “in the Spirit”—here in 1:10, in 4:2, in 17:3, and in 21:10 Each marks the beginning of a significant movement in John’s visionary experience. Hamilton, J. M., Jr. (2012.

[4] but it is apparent that the biblical significance of the number seven indicates these churches stand for all churches both then and now. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).

[5] 主耶稣要驾云降临!(太24:30、26:64、路21:27、帖前4:17、启11:12)

[6] 12–20 The vision related in vv. 12–20 follows the typical pattern of Old Testament visions (Isa. 6:1–7; Jer. 1:11–12, 13–14; Ezek. 2:9–3:11; Dan. 8:3–27; 10:2–12:3; 12:5–13; Zech. 4:1–3; 5:1–11; 6:1–8). First, the vision is related (vv. 12–16); next, the response of the one receiving the vision is given (v. 17a); then the interpretation of the vision follows (vv. 17b–20). The vision develops the themes of suffering, kingdom, and priesthood already found in vv. 1–9 and introduces the new theme of Christ as judge. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).

[7] Even as the OT priests tended the lamps and lampstands, so Christ is pictured here as a heavenly priest who tends the lampstands by correcting and exhorting them, as chs. 2 and 3 will unfold. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).

[8]  金灯台(引自 撒迦利亚4)The lampstand Zechariah saw points to the successful rebuilding of the temple and the renewal of God’s presence among his people (4:4–10).12 The two olive trees are explained as “the two anointed ones [lit., ‘two sons of oil’] who stand by the Lord of the whole earth” (4:11–14). In Zechariah these two anointed ones are the anointed priest, Joshua (cf. 3:1–10), and the descendant of David, Zerubbabel (4:1–14).13 This text and others like it seem to have given rise to the expectation of two messiahs, one priestly and one royal, as seen in the documents found at Qumran (cf. e.g., 1QS 9:11). In Zechariah the vision means that God will accomplish his purpose in the rebuilding of the temple: “Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit, says the LORD of hosts” (4:6). The “two olive trees,” anointed and empowered, will be the means God uses to bring this about. Hamilton, J. M., Jr. .

That the witnesses are called olive trees as well as lampstands comes from the vision of Zechariah, who saw two witnesses like olive trees standing before the lampstand (Zech. 4:12–14). The olive trees provided the oil to light the lamps. As in Revelation, Zechariah’s two witnesses (in context representing Joshua the high priest and Zerubbabel the king) are described as standing in the presence of the Lord of the earth (Zech. 4:14). God would provide His fruitful Spirit (the oil) and cause it to issue forth from the priest and king (the olive trees) to lead the process of successfully completing the temple. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015).

[9] Most of the references to lampstands in the Old Testament are references to the lampstand in the tabernacle or the ten lampstands that Solomon prepared for the temple.10 But the most important background for what John relates here about Jesus in the midst of the seven lampstands is what Zechariah saw as stated in Zechariah 4:1–14. John’s experience of Jesus in 1:9–20 fulfills Zechariah 4 in significant ways.Hamilton, J. M., Jr. (2012)..

[10] (cf. Isaiah 11:4; 49:2; Ephesians 6:17; Hebrews 4:12; Revelation 2:12; 19:15, 21).

[11] John relates, “When I saw him, I fell at his feet as though dead” (1:17). The glory of Jesus overpowered John in a way that no Roman emperor could imitate. John’s audience is thus encouraged by the fact that they serve one whose glory surpasses that of mere human power.Hamilton, J. M., Jr. (2012).

[12] The Son of man describes Himself as the first and the last, using the same words God attributes to Himself in Isa. 41:4; 44:6; and 48:12 and also in Rev. 1:8. This phrase refers to the complete sovereignty of God over human history from beginning to end, and its use by the exalted Christ here shows that He too is Lord over history, thus removing any doubt that He too is divine. This transferral is enlarged on in 22:13 in such a way that Christ there (and here) must be understood as such.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. (2015)..

[13] 《从天堂回来的男孩:一个真实的故事》是一本2010年畅销的基督教书籍,该书讲述的是Alex Malarkey在2004年的一次交通事故后在天堂的经历。 2015年他写信承认他撒谎。2018年他起诉出版社利用他的书赚钱。

[14] 《從天堂回來的男孩》故事主角是現年20歲的亞歷斯.馬拉其 (Alex Malarkey)。2004年只有6歲的亞歷斯因一次可怕的車禍而陷入昏迷,兩個月後他甦醒過來,跟父母說自己曾到天堂一遊,見到耶穌和撒旦。2010年他的父母凱文(Kevin)和貝絲(Beth) 將兒子的故事編成書,由著名基督教出版社丁道爾出版社(Tyndale House)出版。據悉該書銷量超過一百萬冊,並一度登上《紐約時報》最暢銷書榜。2015年1月,亞歷斯通過其個人博客宣稱,這個故事是一個謊言,他並沒有死亡,也沒有去過天堂,當時編造只是為了引起關注。丁道爾出版社不得不即時採取行動,將該書及其他相關產品全部下架並停印。

[15] (申32:40 参新译本)

[16] John seems to have understood that just as Daniel’s vision concerned “the latter days” (10:14) but Daniel was instructed to “shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end” (12:4), so now he, John, was receiving a vision that concerned “the things that must soon take place” (1:1). Unlike Daniel, John was told, “Do not seal up the words of the prophecy of this book, for the time is near” (22:10). Thus, what was prophesied by Daniel is fulfilled in Revelation. The relationship between Daniel 10 and Revelation 1:12–20 can be seen in the sequence of events in the two chapters and in the descriptions of those revealed in the two chapters:Hamilton, J. M., Jr. (2012)

compare Revelation chpt one with Daniel Chapetr 10

[17] 但以理要隐藏这话,封闭这书,直到末时(但12:4)但约翰要把所看见的,和现在的事,并将来必成的事,都写出来(启1:19)


启示录:04 战胜苦难 启1章1-9

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04 战胜苦难 启1章1-9

    • Pic小孩子:天父爱耶稣,为什么要让耶稣受苦?PPic 耶稣掌管世界,为什么祂让我们受苦?
    • 彼前2:21你们蒙召原是为此;因基督也为你们受过苦,给你们留下榜样,叫你们跟随他的脚踪行。
    • 信耶稣要预备受苦!,主赐我们启示来战胜苦难!
    • 背景:Pic 使徒约翰在拔摩的海岛上写给七间教会
    • Pic 羅馬皇帝Domitian图密善[1]Ad 81-96 (在位),时期书写的。
    • Pic 图密善要求人要敬拜他为主为上帝!凶残,处死任何讥笑他的人. 逼迫基督徒
    • O我们进入神的国,必须经历许多艰难。Xin xiang徒14:22

    • I 战胜苦难:要遵守启示
    • 1:1 耶稣基督的启示[2],就是神赐给他,叫他将必要快成的事指示[3]他的众仆人。他就差遣使者晓谕他的仆人约翰。2 约翰便将神的道和耶稣基督的见证,凡自己所看见的都证明出来。3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了[4]
    • V1 …叫他将必要快成的事指示他的众仆人。
    • 教会受苦,所以主把启示给约翰坚固他们,并把将来的事指示教会
    • 明白会发生什么事,预备、警醒、盼望
    • 注:启示录中所预言在不同时代中重演,直到终极的应验。
    • 注:我们现在离那终极的应验,越来越近了。所以更要警醒
    • V1b …他就差遣使者晓谕他的仆人约翰。
    • 注:主耶稣没有直接晓谕信徒、或他们的牧师。
    • 主差遣使者(天使),天使晓谕约翰,再透过约翰写在圣经中
    • 早期教会所相信的启示,就是主耶稣借着使徒们所写下的圣经(V3、V11)。
    • Pic谨慎:教会的牧者说神启示他们,一些甚至说他们就是基督 (东方闪电、韩国新天地)
    • e.g.假的:昨晚有天使出现告诉我,神启示我 …

    • V3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守[5]其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了。
    • 在患难中神吩咐教会“念这书上预言”
    • 不单我们需要读,我们还要“遵守其中所记载的”
    • 提醒:启示录不是一本让我们胡乱猜测的书,书中的命令是主要我们遵守的!
    • 要想战胜克服患难,需要遵守神的话。“是有福的”
    • a.p. 害怕:一些弟兄姐妹没有阅读圣经的习惯。(每星期最少有3次灵修吗?)
    • a.p. 千万不要因遇受苦,就放纵自己。因受苦就不愿遵守神的话
    • V3  … 因为日期近了。
    • 问:我们不是等了2000年吗?为什么约翰说日期近了?
    • 约翰清楚明白他们已经在末世 last age
    • 基督降世、受死、复活时。末世 last age 已开始(林前10:11、来9:26、约壹2:18)
    • a.p.如今信徒等候了2000多年,现在时间是更加接近了!
    • 启示录中所记载:天灾、敌基督、假先知、逼迫、都会有一个终极应验ultimate fufillment
    • e.g.害怕看牙医(疼)

    • II )战胜苦难:主掌管,并爱我们
    • V4 约翰写信给亚西亚的七个教会。但愿从那昔在、今在、以後永[6]在的神,和他宝座前的七灵,5 并那诚实作见证的、从死里首先复活[7]、为世上君王元首的耶稣基督,有恩惠、平安归与你们!他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶,6 又使我们成为国民,作他父神的祭司。[8]但愿荣耀、权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们!
    • 七教会 = 象征所有教会; 七灵 = 象征全备的圣灵fullness of Spirit
    • 5并那诚实作见证的、从死里首先复活、为世上君王元首的耶稣基督,有恩惠、平安归与你们!
    • 在患难中记得:


    • 耶稣已得胜,祂从死里首先复活
    • e.g.世上的一切都是由耶稣掌管。太28:18、林前15:24-26 新冠病毒也是耶稣掌管!
    • O 16:33 …在世上,你们有苦难;但你们可以放心,我已经胜了世界。
    • 没有任何我们过不了的门槛! 因为耶稣是主
    • 忧虑不能给帮助我们,唯有对主有信心,主能搭救我们
    • V5…他爱我们
    • 2】耶稣爱我们(V5b
    • e.g.信心软弱遇苦难,就误认为主不爱他们 欺骗:受苦就是神不爱我,是谎言!(罗5:3-5)
    • 谨慎:一些不诚实的教会。有信心就不会受苦
    • 受苦时:祷告:对主说,求主圣灵将神的爱浇灌在我心里 (罗5:5)
    • V5 …他爱我们,用自己的血使我们脱离罪恶…
    • 3】主用祂的血使我们脱离罪恶 (V5b)
    • O8:1 如今,那些在基督耶稣里的就不定罪了。
    • V6 …又使我们成为国民,作他父神的祭司…
    • 4】我们是神国的子民,是尊贵的祭司 (V6)
    • 注:我们信主的外邦人与信主的犹太人,如今进入神的国、成为祭司(出19:6)
    • III )战胜苦难:耐心等候主再来
    • V7看哪,他驾云降临!众目要看见他,连刺他的人也要看见他;地上的万族都要因他哀哭[9]。这话是真实的。阿们!8 主神[10]:「我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,是昔在、今在、以後永在的全能者。」

    • Pic 引用:但7:13、亚12:10。人子驾云,掌权世界的天上的王
    • 提醒:主耶稣要回来这世界,审判世界
    • 注:主耶稣要驾云降临!(太24:30、26:64、路21:27、帖前4:17、启11:12)
    • e.g.东方闪电全能神邪教的基督是假基督。
    • 主再来时我们的苦难就结束。但地上的万族更大的患难就开始。
    • Pic 阿拉法,俄梅戛。希腊第一与最后字母(意思)主是人历史的开始与结束(启22:12-13)
    • 盼望:主掌管人的历史,祂会再回来审判世界

    • IV )战胜苦难:我不是唯一受苦的
    • V9  我约翰就是你们的弟兄,和你们在耶稣的患难、国度、忍耐[11]里一同有分,为神的道,并为给耶稣作的见证,曾在那名叫拔摩的海岛上。
    • 受苦的人经常认为,只有他自己很苦。看不见其它人受苦。
    • 使徒约翰提醒信徒,他在耶稣的患难、国度、忍耐里一同有分
    • 使徒们为了主耶稣受苦,早期的教会为了主耶稣受苦
    • a.p.受苦的人,若是信心刚强,能像约翰一样去建立安慰人
    • e.g.执事患癌症时,鼓励与安慰许多人。并继续传福音!
    • 林后 1:4 我们在一切患难中,上帝都安慰我们,使我们能用他所赐的安慰,去安慰那些在各样患难中的人。5 我们既然多受基督所受的痛苦,就靠着基督多得安慰。

    • a.p.不要浪费主给我们遇见的苦难,去安慰建立人
    • 结语:神在教会最艰难时,赐启示帮助他们战胜患难
    • 今天我们也可以像7个教会一样阅读启示。Read and obey to overcome
    • 启示百姓说他们是有福的、神是爱他们的、他们遵行神的话会蒙福
    • 没有任何我们过不了的门槛!因为耶稣是主!
    • 告诉自己:我在基督里是有福的、神是爱我的、我遵行神的话是有福的

[1] THE ANCIENT ROMAN HISTORIAN Suetonius writes of the emperor Domitian (A.D. 51–96), “after making free with the wives of many men, he went so far as to marry Domitia Longina, who was the wife of Aelius Lamia.”1 Suetonius also relates that when his brother Titus “was seized with a dangerous illness,” Domitian “ordered that he be left for dead, before he had actually drawn his last breath.”2 When Cornelia, the chief vestal virgin, was found guilty of having a lover, Domitian had her “buried alive; and her lovers were beaten to death with rods.”3 Domitian “slew Aelius Lamia for joking remarks, which were reflections on him, it is true, but made long before and harmless.”4 He seduced his niece, who was married, and eventually “became the cause of her death by compelling her to get rid of a child of his by abortion.”Domitian was a moral catastrophe of a man, and he was also physically unimpressive. There is an account of him vigorously scratching a festered wart on his forehead and drawing blood.6 He is described as being “sensitive about his baldness” and as having “a protruding belly, and spindling legs.”7 This weak and wicked Caesar insisted on being addressed as “Lord and God” (Dominus et deus) Hamilton, J. M., Jr.

[2] The word revelation (or “apocalypse,” Greek apokalypsis) expresses the subject and nature of the book. The book is a heightened form of prophecy, which can be referred to as “apocalyptic,” as apparent from the use of “revelation” and “prophecy” in vv. 1–3 and in 22:7. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[3] The roots of this verse are in Dan. 2:28–30, 45–47, where in the Greek translations of the OT the verb “revealed” appears five times, the verb “show” (“signify,” “communicate,” Greek sēmainō [only in OG]) twice and the phrase “what must come to pass” three times. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H..

[4] John views the death and resurrection of Christ as inaugurating the long-awaited kingdom of the end times that the OT books (such as Daniel) predicted and that will continue to exist throughout the church age. He sees the end-time kingdom of Daniel as having arrived in the person of Jesus Christ. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[5] The message of Revelation, as it unfolds, is not designed to provide fodder for intellectual speculation about the end times but is rather a series of commands addressed to the present-day lives of all who read it. Prophecy in the OT generally had two time references: it was a forth-telling of God’s word for His people in the present, and a foretelling of events to happen in the future. Revelation maintains these two features of prophecy. Those who read and those who hear and obey its message will be blessed. That the book has an ultimate ethical aim is borne out by the conclusion in 22:6–21, which is an intentional expansion of the prologue in 1:1–3, and especially of the ethical emphasis of 1:3. The prophecy of v. 3 is not a set of predictions but, in the biblical tradition, a word from God calling for obedient response in the lives of believers. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[6] The complete threefold clause is a reflection of Exod. 3:14 together with twofold and threefold temporal descriptions of God in Isaiah (cf. Isa. 41:4; 43:10; 44:6; 48:12), which themselves may be developed reflections on the divine name in Exod. 3:14. All these phrases are used in their respective OT contexts to describe God not merely as present at the beginning, middle, and end of history, but as the incomparable, sovereign Lord over history, who is therefore able to bring prophecy to fulfillment and deliver His people despite overwhelming odds, whether from Egypt, Babylon, or other nations.Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H. .

[7] John is quoting Ps. 89:27, 37, where all three phrases are used…. “Firstborn” from the Psalm is defined clearly as firstborn from the dead. Christ has gained a sovereign position over the cosmos. This is not to be understood in the sense that He is recognized as the first created being of all creation nor even as the origin of creation, but rather that He is the inaugurator of the new creation by means of His resurrection. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[8] That John sees Exod. 19:6 as fulfilled in the church indicates that the church now continues the true Israel as the inheritor of God’s promises and as His covenant people, while unbelieving Jews are described not as true Jews but as a synagogue of Satan (2:9) Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[9] The first is from Dan. 7:13, referring to the enthronement of the Son of man over the nations. John sees this verse as fulfilled in the enthronement of Christ at the right hand of the Father. The second is from Zech. 12:10, which refers to the end-time victory of Israel over the nations and the repentance of Israel before the Lord, whom the people of Israel have pierced. Zechariah also speaks of mourning for a firstborn son, which echoes the quotation from Psalm 89 in v. 5. But the Zechariah text has been universalized, for in the original it speaks only of the house of David mourning over Him as a result of the Spirit of grace poured out upon them, whereas John speaks of all the peoples of the earth doing so, and also adds the phrase every eye will see Him. What is applied in Zechariah 12 to Israel is now transferred in Revelation to all the peoples of the earth, specifically those peoples who, having received the Holy Spirit and His grace (see v. 4), that is, all true believers in Jesus, mourn over what they have done to Him. This continues the same trend of application seen with the use of Exod. 19:6 in v. 6. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[10] The greetings section is concluded by the Lord’s description of Himself using the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet, the Alpha and the Omega. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[11] Only one Greek article precedes these three words, which conveys the idea that all three are part of the same reality. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H


03 启示录 介绍 第三部分

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03 启示录 介绍 第三部分

    • 小孩子:如果神是爱,神为什么会审判人? 因神也是公义的
    • 目的:让你们明白启示录中有7个循环
    • 目的:一些主题在一些循环中重复
    • 目的:最后的刑罚与审判是唯一不断重复的主题。所以使用来作例子。
    • 目的:启示录异象中许多“象征symbols、符号signs 、图像imagery都是受旧约圣经影响

    • 不是按时间顺序not chronological 而是不同角度perspective描述同样事情 
    • Pic 此後, 我观看  After this I saw (启4:1、7:1  、7:9、15:5、18:1、19:1)
    • “此後我观看”容易误解以为是指约翰看预先看见之后历史中所发生的事。
    • “此後我观看”指的是一个异象结束后,约翰看见另一个异象
    • 问:异象里头记载的事情是及时发生的呢?
    • Pic异象里的事,是包含过去(约翰时代)、约翰之后所要发生的事、与未来 (启1:19、4:1)

    • Pic参图表[1]七个循环。Seven cycles
    • 注:不同学者在划分每一个循环时,在章节上有一些不一样
    • 参图表:一些主题是在一些的循环中不断重复
    • e.g.Pic不同灾难:七印(1循环)、七号(2循环)、七碗(4循环)
    • e.g.Pic淫妇巴比伦[2](世界)倾倒 (出现在3、4、5 循环)
    • e.g.Pic基督徒最后得胜(1、2、5、7 循环)
    • e.g.Pic向神的子民的征战(逼迫与杀害基督徒) (出现在3、4、5、6、7 循环)

    • 问:为什么在不同循环中重复这些主题? 啰嗦?
    • 8 Pics 从不同角度看,看不同细节与内容spiral staircase
    • 可能是要提醒我们一些事例如:灾难,逼迫,等在整个历史中会不断发生
    • 这些事都会有一个终极的应验 ultimate fulfillment

    • Pic最后的刑罚与审判是唯一不断重复的主题(出现在每一个循环)
    • 现在使用来证明启示录中有7个循环
    • Pic 第七个印、第七个号、第七个碗。都出现:雷轰、大声、闪电、地震为结束
    • Pic问:“雷轰、大声、闪电、地震”是什么意思?
    • Pic Macdonald 回到旧约来明白,象征symbols、符号signs 、图像imagery
    • Pic 回到旧约看

旧约: 有时雷轰、大声、闪电、地震 象征上帝的显现

    • 出19:16…在山上有雷轰、闪电,和密云,并且角声甚大,营中的百姓尽都发颤。… 18 …因为耶和华在火中降於山上。山的烟气上腾,如烧窑一般,遍山大大的震动(上帝在西乃山显现)

启示录:雷轰、大声、闪电 象征上帝的显现

    • 启4:5  有闪电、声音、雷轰从宝座中发出…  (天父上帝在宝座上显现)
    • 注:启4:5  没有出现地震

    • “地震”旧约:有时指耶和华的日子[3] 刑罚与审判 结38:18-23、亚14:3-5 、珥2:10-11、3:14-16
    • 其他[4] skip


    • e.g.29:6 万军之耶和华必用雷轰地震大声、旋风、暴风,并吞灭的火焰,向他讨罪.(上帝刑罚审判拜偶像的以色列)
    • Pic启示录: 第7印、第七号、第七碗 的雷轰、大声、闪电、地震 象征上帝刑罚审判世界

    • Pic 带你看7个循环中出现的刑罚与审判 所出现的不同细节与角度
    • 但在细节上有进展 progressive repetition
    • 你也会从细节中看见“雷轰、大声、闪电、地震” 指最后的刑罚与审判

    • 1循环(第七印)启8:5  天使拿著香炉,盛满了坛上的火,倒在地上;随有雷轰、大声、闪电、地震。(earthquake appeared)

    • 2 slides 第2循环(第七号)启11:18  …审判死人的时候也到了。你的仆人众先知和众圣徒,凡敬畏你名的人,连大带小得赏赐的时候也到了你败坏那些败坏世界之人的时候也就到了。19  …随後有闪电、声音、雷轰、地震、大雹。(hail, rewards and dead are judged)

    • 3循环:大审判14:9-20:(敬拜假神的人要受审判)


启14:9  …若有人拜兽和兽像,在额上或在手上受了印记,10  这人也必喝神大怒的酒;此酒斟在神忿怒的杯中纯一不杂。他要在圣天使和羔羊面前,在火与硫磺之中受痛苦。11  他受痛苦的烟往上冒,直到永永远远。…

    • 2 slides 第4循环(七碗)启16:18  又有闪电、声音、雷轰、大地震,自从地上有人以来,没有这样大、这样利害的地震。19  那大城裂为三段,列国的城也都倒塌了;神也想起巴比伦大城来,要把那盛自己烈怒的酒杯递给他。20  各海岛都逃避了,众山也不见了。21  又有大雹子从天落在人身上… (all cities and islands gone) [5]

    • 5循环 :大审判18:9-19:3 (敌对神的世界要受审判 17:15)
    • 启19:2  …他判断了那用淫行败坏世界的大淫妇,并且向淫妇讨流仆人血的罪,给他们伸冤。3  又说:哈利路亚!烧淫妇的烟往上冒,直到永永远远
    • 撒旦使用大淫妇, 来勾引全世界、败坏全世界的、杀害圣徒 18:24

    • 6循环 :大审判19:20-21 (“海兽”[6]敌对神的王与“地兽”[7]那假先知受审判)
    • 启19:20  那兽被擒拿;那在兽面前曾行奇事、迷惑受兽印记和拜兽像之人的假先知,也与兽同被擒拿。他们两个就活活的被扔在烧著硫磺的火湖里

    • 7循环 :大审判 20:7-15 (“龙” 撒但 受审判)
    • 启20:10  那迷惑他们的魔鬼被扔在硫磺的火湖里,就是兽和假先知所在的地方。他们必昼夜受痛苦,直到永永远远。…15  若有人名字没记在生命册上,他就被扔在火湖里

    • Pic 注:不是7次不同的审判,而是从不同角度来描述同一个审判。


    • 启示录有7个循环、一些主题在一些循环中不断重复、大审判是唯一在每一个循环中出现的主题
    • 将来要来的大刑罚与审判是非常可怕的。
    • 帖前5:9  因为神不是预定我们受刑,乃是预定我们藉著我们主耶稣基督得救。

    • 彼此问:你信耶稣了吗? 信耶稣能免受将来要来的审判
    • 信耶稣可以得永生,不需要面对被扔在火湖里
    • 3:16神爱世人,甚至将他的独生子赐给他们,叫一切信他的,不至灭亡,反得永生。


[1] 参考 G K Beale, Vern Poythress, Hendriksen

[2] 17:5

[3] 耶和华的日子临到时,日头、月亮变黑、天与地震动 (赛13:10、24:23、、珥2:10、3:15、摩8:9太24:29-30、可13:24-27、路21:25-28、启6:12-17)

[4] 其他经常出现的:火、地震、天也震动、太阳月亮也不发光 。赛13:6-11、24:19-23、摩8:9、太24:29-30、可13:24-27、路21:25-28、启6:12-17

[5] 从七印到七号到七印 增加了细节 (越是看的清楚、越是好像更可怕)

[6] 13:1

[7] 13:11


02 启示录 介绍 (第二部分)

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02 启示录 介绍 (第二部分)

    • 1:1-3
    • 问:为什么信徒觉得启示录难读懂?
    • 其中原因是里面充满signs 号、symbols 象征、imagery 图像
    • 1:1耶稣基督的启示,就是神赐给他,叫他将必要快成的事指示他的众仆人。他就差遣使者晓谕σημαίνω他的仆人约翰。
    • sēmainō [1] KJV; ASV; RV signified 新译本: 显示
    • sēmainō  意思 } 预示符号 signified
    • 符号 与 数字 不一定就是字面意思来解释
    • Pic 现代人也有符号
    • Pic 狮子(5:5)、羔羊(5:6)、七星(1:20)、七灯台(1:12)、兽、淫妇、等等。
    • e.g. 数字"七" 出现超过50次 (教会、号、碗、灵、天使、星、灯、等等)
    • e.g. 数字:(四、七、十、十二、一千[2] 在旧约预表完整)
    • 启11:5若有人想要害他们,就有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌。凡想要害他们的都必这样被杀。Ans不是指Flame thrower火焰喷射器
    • Pic可怕的蝗虫 (启9:7-10)。

    • return back whole Bible解释符号必须回到整本圣经的文化处境背景来解释
    • 404节经文中有约200节经文,是旧约中的影射allusion、引用、寓意、预表
    • 提醒:太过专注那些符号,可能会失去整段经文所要带出的重点
    • Illust 苍蝇e.g.因为专注整个图画中的符号的解释,结果迷失 

    • 问:启示录是写给哪一个时代的基督徒?
    • Ans此书是写给(这末世时代[3])主复活后的每一个时代的基督徒
    • 启示录不完全是按人的历史时间顺序而写的
    • Pic“此後,我看见” = 意思是之后看到另一个异象(e.g.启4:1、7:1、7:9、15:5、18:1、19:1)
    • 启示录内容中的主题是重复性:
    • 【1】世界有灾难、【2】龙(撒旦)敌对神并与神的子民征战【3】兽(政权)逼迫[4]信徒【4】另一只兽(假先知)在教会内欺骗信徒【5】巴比伦(世界)【6】迷惑信徒【7】巴比伦(世界)倾倒【8】末日大审判【9】信徒坚忍最后得胜!【10】神与百姓同在,神的国显现。
    • Pic明白记载不是按时间顺序not chronological 而是不同角度perspective描述同样事情
    • (图表)七环 启示录中 diagram 7 cycles


    • e.g.Pic启示录中的灾难:面临战争、地震、海啸、旱灾、瘟疫的地区
    • Pic不断重复发生[1] 似乎是越来越严厉
    • 5:1-8:5 【七印】 四分之一。8:6-11:19【七号】 三分之一人。15:1-16:21【七碗】  全部人
    • 约翰安慰与预备信徒会面对灾难
    • e.g.2020年,全世界的基督徒都在祷告祈求主,把新冠病毒挪掉
    • 问:你失望吗?你会因此失去信心吗?
    • 21:10 当时,耶稣对他们说:「民要攻打民,国要攻打国;11 地要大大震动,多处必有饥荒、瘟疫,又有可怕的异象和大神迹从天上显现。…19 你们常存忍耐,就必保全灵魂(或作:必得生命)。」(参 太24:3-13)
    • 24:13 惟有忍耐到底的,必然得救。(perseverance of the Saints)
    • 安慰:在遇见患难时,抓住主,祂会赐我们足够的恩典来面对!

    • Pic 启示录让我们看见属灵的征战。这世界背后有属灵的征战
    • 弗6:12 因我们并不是与属血气的争战,乃是与那些执政的、掌权的、管辖这幽暗世界的,以及天空属灵气的恶魔争战。
    • 启示录会带我们去看那属灵的征战是什么
    • 启示录解释,撒旦使用什么计谋,使我们离开主耶稣


    • (图表)撒旦模仿,假冒三一神




    • 撒旦的三大战略:(假先知欺骗)、(世界诱惑)、(政权逼迫)
    • Pic e.g.透过政权逼迫杀害基督徒 e.g. ISIS e.g.北韩 
    • Pic地兽 e.g.透过假先知的欺骗e.g.东方闪电、耶和华见证人、摩门教
    • Pic 淫妇 e.g.用世界的繁华来诱惑(宗教、财富、各种诱人的欲望)
    • 要如何胜过属灵的争战?
    • 彼前 5:7你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神,因为他顾念你们。8 务要谨守,警醒。因为你们的仇敌魔鬼,如同吼叫的狮子,遍地游行,寻找可吞吃的人。9 你们要用坚固的信心抵挡他,因为知道你们在世上的众弟兄也是经历这样的苦难。10 那赐诸般恩典的神曾在基督里召你们,得享他永远的荣耀,等你们暂受苦难之後,必要亲自成全你们,坚固你们,赐力量给你们。

    • V7不断祷告,相信神顾念我们 (不可灰心祷告)
    • V8警醒我们都要面对一场属灵的战争(弗6:10-20)魔鬼不断寻找可吞吃的人
    • V9 要以信心抵挡 “坚忍到底”
    • V9b 千万不要以为只有你经历这样的苦难
    • V10 苦难往往只是暂时,等我们暂受苦后,神会亲自成全我们restore,坚固赐力量给我们
    • 启 22:7看哪,我必快来!凡遵守这书上预言的有福了!
    • 最后得胜(罗8:37)靠著爱我们的主,在这一切事上我们已经得胜有余了。we are more than conquerors


[1] Rev 1:19  所以,你要把所看见的,现在的,和今后将要发生的事都写下来。从异象之中的平行Parallelism,约翰应该不是指按时间顺序not chronological,而是指接下来他要记载的异象次序 in visionary sequence

[1] sēmainō Dan2:45 LXX预示符号所指signified

[2] 出20:6、申7:9、诗90:4、91:7、105:8、代上16:15、传7:28、弥6:7

[3] 主复活后的每一个时代的基督徒

[4] 启示录中的逼迫:安慰与预备信徒会面对逼迫。(第一只兽)启13:5  又赐给他说夸大亵渎话的口,又有权柄赐给他,可以任意而行四十二个月。6  兽就开口向神说亵渎的话,亵渎神的名并他的帐幕,以及那些住在天上的。7  又任凭他与圣徒争战,并且得胜;也把权柄赐给他,制伏各族、各民、各方、各国。8  凡住在地上、名字从创世以来没有记在被杀之羔羊生命册上的人,都要拜他。(第二只兽)启13:11 我又看见另有一个兽从地中上来有两角如同羊羔,说话好像龙。12 他在头一个兽面前,施行头一个兽所有的权柄,并且叫地和住在地上的人拜那死伤医好的头一个兽。提醒:逼迫对基督徒在历史中从来没有停止过,不断在每一个时代发生。e.g.2020年一些地区的基督徒例如:中东、北韩,是为了信耶稣而被逼迫的。提醒:将来若是我们遇见逼迫时,不可背弃主。将来终极应验:征战、逼迫 最后会到达一个高峰(当不法之人敌基督来临时)帖后2:1-12【帖后2:3 人不拘用什麽法子,你们总不要被他诱惑;因为那日子以前,必有离道反教的事,并有那大罪人,就是沉沦之子,显露出来。4他是抵挡主,高抬自己,超过一切称为神的和一切受人敬拜的,甚至坐在神的殿里,自称是神。】 主耶稣提醒门徒们遇见逼迫时不要害怕:【太10:28 那杀身体,不能杀灵魂的,不要怕他们;惟有能把身体和灵魂都灭在地狱里的,正要怕他。29两个麻雀不是卖一分银子吗?若是你们的父不许,一个也不能掉在地上;30就是你们的头发也都被数过了。31所以,不要惧怕,你们比许多麻雀还贵重!32「凡在人面前认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必认他;33凡在人面前不认我的,我在我天上的父面前也必不认他。】


001 启示录的介绍 [和合本] 第一部分

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001 启示录的介绍 [和合本] 第一部分

    • 1:1-3  
    • Pic作者是使徒约翰书,晚年时在拔摩海岛上写给七间教会
    • Pic应该是羅馬皇帝Domitian图密善(多米田)Ad 81-96 (在位),时期书写的。
    • Pic背景:许多基督徒与教会正在面对逼迫。
    • Pic被逼要敬拜罗马凯撒[1] (古城以弗所敬拜凯撒的遗址)
    • Pic背景:信徒面对敌对上帝的国:政治或王“兽”(11:7)
    • Pic背景:信徒面对教会内部出现的假教师(16:13、19:20)
    • Pic背景:信徒面对世界的迷惑“巴比伦”“淫妇”(17:1、17:15)
    • Pic “兽”、假教师、世界诱惑都基本上出现在1:9-3:22 (7所教会)
    • 在这困难的观景之下,上帝把异象赐给约翰,来安慰与警戒当时的教会,并历史历代的教会。

    • 启示录经常被异端利用来迷惑基督徒
    • 启示录是一本令许多信徒害怕的书,许多令人害怕的图像。
    • e.g. 耶和华见证人、东方闪电、拿来恐吓与欺骗基督徒
    • 异端在解释启示录时,都会违背圣经中整体性的教导
    • 他们喜欢把他们自己异端的思想,强解在启示录中的图像
    • Pic不要把启示录当成神神秘秘的拼图。
    • 启示录有几个主题是连 十二岁的小孩也能读懂的。
    • Pic a)魔鬼与耶稣和我门作战,我门最终得胜。b)教会面对争战 “兽、假教师、淫妇”,需要要坚忍到底 c)许多大灾难会临到这敌对上帝的世界d)主一定回来,祂会审判这世界e)我们要进入新天新地
    • 所以不要被异端所迷惑,如果他们的解释不符合圣经整体教导。你们不可以解释!

    • 问:我们为什么要开始读启示录?
    • 1:3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的都是有福的,因为日期近了。
    • 22:7“看哪!我必快来!那遵守这书上预言的人是有福的!”
    • 注:启示录是用来遵守的!能被遵守的就代表是能让人明白的!
    • 问:那么为什么我看启示录,会不明白呢?
    • Pic不明白因我们通常把注意力都专注,那些图像imagery 、符号signs象征symbols 是什么
    • e.g.两个见证人有火从他们口中出来,烧灭仇敌 指的是什么或者谁? (11:5)
    • e.g.龙是不是中国的龙?(12:3-4)
    • e.g.人经常问666指的是谁?
    • e.g.人经常问这些事几时发生
    • 需要看的是书中的如何提醒我们、如何鼓励我们、书的整体(whole picture)
    • Pic提醒:经常问这些问题的信徒,专注细节就经常看不见树林(整体) cell vs forest
    • Pic启示录不是密码codes ,不是拿来给你胡乱猜测的!
    • Pic启示录不是神神秘秘的书!不是依靠奇异光照来明白!
    • 因为每个时代的基督徒阅读启示录时,都能够从当中明白并且去遵守


    • 约百分之70的经文内有影射allusions 间接使用旧约 indirect quotations、[2] OT
    • 原则:解释启示录时得出的结论,不可以违背圣经整体性的教导!NT
    • 不要害怕阅读, 需要快速把启示录阅读完毕 (能安稳、鼓励、警戒你)
    • 你要小心谨慎,许多书籍越是神秘、越玄秘你要谨慎小心!
    • 不要忘了是能明白与遵守的!
    • V3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的
    • 帮你读懂启示录(溥卫恩Vern Poythress), G K Beale (a shorter commentary)

    • 启示录有五种可能解释方式
    • 你采取什么立场与角度,就对启示录有不同的解法
    • 不同学派需要彼此包容,彼此尊重,不同的解释。
    • I) 已实现(过去)(The Preterist[3] Viewpreterist 指的是过去 refers to the past
    • 启示录的记载是过去所发生的事情[4]
    • 认为启示录主要是预言 罗马帝国被消灭
    • Pic e.g.兽 =罗马皇帝;大淫妇= 罗马帝国
    • 困难:启示录对今天的基督徒的意义不大。启示录结果就只成为一本历史记载

    • II) 历史实现 ( The Historicist View)
    • 采取这样方式读启示录,有如把启示录与历史教科书放在一起看。
    • e.g.会认为 七印、七号、七碗 指的是教会在历史中的不同年代
    • 启示录变成好像拼图,把历史读进 图像imagery、符号signs、象征symbols
    • e.g.兽= 古时逼迫基督教的天主教教皇
    • e.g.淫妇象征罗马教皇腐败、e.g.这象征改教运动
    • 困难:启示录不是完全按人的历史时间顺序写成的。
    • 困难:七号、七碗、七碗所表达是有重复与重叠的信息。Repeated cycles 重复循环
    • 螺旋楼梯spiral staircase七号、七碗、是从不同角度表达,并渐进 progressively 增添内容

    • III) 未来实现[5] The Futurist View
    • 认为启示录大部分记载是有关基督再来靠近之时发生
    • Pic 采取这样方式读启示录,会把启示录与报纸放在一起看。
    • 优点:因为启示录(20-22)是清楚指向基督再来时所发生的
    • 采取这观点:主要有历史前千派 historic premill 与 时代轮 dispensational [6]
    • e.g. 666 到底是谁?20年前流行说比尔盖茨Bill Gates是666 (我对这些推测有保留)
    • e.g. 兽的印 是电子付账或者植入人体的晶片  (我对这些推测有保留)
    • e.g.以前说十角 (启13:1)指的是欧盟。 不过现在已经有27国家。(我对这些推测有保留)
    • 困难:今年是2020年。意味着启示录的记载对古时的基督徒是没有意义的。

    • IV)精神原则(The Idealist View[7]
    • 视启示录,书中是有许多象征symbols 带出原则与精神 principles and ideas
    • 提倡:启示录中的原则与精神是教导每一个时代的基督徒
    • 提倡:7 cycles 重复的循环[8]
    • e.g.兽: 任何时代中敌对神的王或国。
    • 优点:使徒约翰的时代或者是我们的时代或者将来都能被应用遵守

    • V) 折衷合并观 Eclectic[9] Combination 
    • Pic 包含结合以上其它四个学派的观点[10] use example of Beast illustrate


    • e.g.撒旦一直不断使用相同的手段(兽、假先知、淫妇)来设法使基督徒离开耶稣
    • e.g.启示录中的灾难:每一个时代都面对 战争、地震、海啸、旱灾、瘟疫的地区
    • V3 念这书上预言的和那些听见又遵守其中所记载的,都是有福的,因为日期近了。
    • 我们最后一定得胜,引主耶稣已经得胜!

[1] But all are agreed that the significant advance in emperor-worship took place in the reign of Domitian (AD 81–96). Whereas the earlier emperors had at best accepted emperor-worship, and at worst actively discouraged it, Domitian seems really to have regarded himself as a god.61 On the score of emperor-worship Domitian’s reign is the most probable by far. It was Domitian above all who demanded worship from his subjects. A difficulty is that we do not know what method he adopted to bring it about. Specifically there is no record of his having executed or imprisoned those who refused to worship him.Morris, L..

Within two weeks of accession, Domitian had restored the cult of the ruling emperor’s genius.[112] He remains a controversial figure, described as one of the very few emperors to scandalously style himself a living divus, as evidenced by the use of “master and god” (dominus et deus) in imperial documents. wiki

[2] It is difficult to understand Revelation without understanding the OT. John identifies himself as a prophet (1:3) in the line of the OT prophets, speaking the word of the Lord in both judgment and promise. Scholars estimate that as many as 278 out of 404 verses in Revelation contain references to the OT and that over five hundred allusions to OT texts are made in total (compared with less than two hundred in all of Paul’s letters). These are allusions (though quite recognizable) rather than direct quotations. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H .

[3] The word preterist refers to the past

[4] The strongest evidence for a preterist approach lies in the connections of Revelation to the situation of the 7 churches. Every one of the messages in Rev. 2-3 contains details about the church situation, including subtle allusions to the larger environment in the city (see commentary on chapters 2-3 and Colin Hemer’s research on the 7 churches in The Letters to the Seven Churches of Asia). The problems addressed in Rev. 2-3 continue to be in focus throughout the rest of the Book. The visionary material of Rev. 4:1-22:5 has many linkages backward. For example, references to “those who say that they are Jews and are not” (2:9; 3:9) are connected with the vision of the true Jews in 7:1-8. Satan’s throne in 2:13 relates to the Dragon/Satan in 12:9. Martyrdom in 2:10, 13 links up with martyrdom in 6:9; 11:7; 13:15; 17:6; and 20:4. The promise of the tree of life in 2:7 links with the tree in 22:2. Jezebel in 2:20-22 links with the Prostitute of 17:3ff. And so on. Through these linkages it becomes clear that the whole Book, not just Rev. 2-3, addresses the problems and struggles of the 7 churches in the first century. Poythress

[5] This view takes two forms. Dispensational futurism (or classic dispensationalism) interprets the visions very literally and chronologically as referring to events of history. Generally the order of the visions in chs. 4–21 is seen as representing the actual historical order of events to happen in the yet-future latter days. Israel is restored to its own land immediately prior to 4:1. Then events unfold in the following order: the church is raptured into heaven, there is a seven-year tribulation, the reign of the antichrist begins, the nations gather together to make war against Jerusalem, Christ returns and defeats the nations, Christ rules during the millennium, Satan gathers together unbelievers at the end of the millennium to fight against Christ, and Christ defeats the devil and begins His eternal reign in heaven. Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[6] Progressive dispensationalism holds similarly to the above unfolding of events but maintains a looser approach (e.g., the “latter days” began during the church age, and many of the visions are interpreted symbolically and not literally). Modified futurism takes various forms, some affirming that the church is true Israel and that there will be no “pretribulation rapture.” Rather, Christians will pass through the final period of trial. Most if not all events recorded in chs. 4–22 refer to a final period of tribulation and to succeeding events (though some hold that 4:1–8:1 covers the period from Christ’s resurrection up to the end of history). Beale, G. K., & Campbell, D. H.

[7] Different terms used : Idealism: Repeated Pattern of fulfilment by Poythress. The Redemptive-historical Idealist by View G K Beale

In rejecting pretribulationism, Ladd also rejects dispensational interpretation although he distinguishes Israel from the church in some passages. In others he rejects a distinction, holding that promises given to Israel in the Old Testament should be interpreted as having a dual fulfillment, that is, fulfilled both in the church and in Israel. Ladd recognizes that dispensationalism naturally leads to pretribulationism, and therefore he devotes a chapter to a refutation of dispensationalism. John F. Walvoord from Dallas TS

[8] •主题以不同的象征symbols 不同角度,重复进展的表达

[9] As such, the message of the letter is of relevance and value to all believers of all ages, which is why the vision was given to John. We might call this an eclectic redemptive-historical idealist view, since, while the focus is on a symbolic presentation of the battle between good and evil and on specific repeated historical events during the church age, aspects of the preterist, historicist, and futurist views are incorporated (hence “eclectic”). G K Beale

All the school except the historicist school have considerable merit. Can we somehow combine them? If we start with the idealist approach, it is comparatively easy to see how. The images in Revelation enjoy multiple fulfillments. They do so because they embody a general pattern. The arguments in favor of futurism show convincingly that Revelation is interested in the Second Coming and the immediately preceding final crisis (cf. 2 Thess. 2:1-12). But fulfillment in the final crisis does not eliminate earlier instances of the general pattern. We have both a general pattern and a particular embodiment of the pattern in the final crisis. Likewise, the arguments in favor of preterism show convincingly that Revelation is interested in the seven churches and their historic situation. The symbols thus have a particular embodiment in the first century, and we ought to pay attention to this embodiment.    Finally, we have a responsibility to apply the message of Revelation to our own situation, because we are somewhere in church history, somewhere in the interadvent period to which the book applies. Here is the grain of truth in the historicist approach.   We can sum up these insights in a single combined picture. The major symbols of Revelation represent a repeated pattern. This pattern has a realization in the first century situation of the seven churches. It also has an embodiment in the final crisis. And it has an embodiment now. We pay special attention to the embodiment now, because we must apply the lessons of Revelation to where we are. Poythress

[10] [已实现观(The Preterist View)]e.g. 兽 =罗马皇帝逼迫基督徒。[历史中实现观 ( The Historicist View) ]e.g. 兽 = 古时逼迫基督徒的天主教教皇。[未来实现观 (The Futurist View)]e.g. 兽 = 将来会有一位终极的敌基督出现。精神原则观(The Idealist View)e.g. 兽 = 每个时代逼迫基督徒的王与国