072 罗马书 12章 13 信徒的接济与款待
- a.p.若是有一天教会中的弟兄姐妹,落入患难我们需要接济
- 问:是不是所有落入经济困难的弟兄姐妹都要接济呢?
- 建议:因罪导致的,不愿悔改的人,可以不帮助![4]
- e.g.懒惰不做工的 (不帮助)
- 帖后3:10 我们在你们那里的时候,曾经吩咐过你们,如果有人不肯作工,就不可吃饭。
- 建议:不协助还赌债 (有时还债会害了他们)
- 建议:私下帮助人后,请告诉牧师。避免太多人一同帮助
- 建议:救济弟兄的原则 –e.g.基本需要 如吃的、喝的
- 雅2:14 我的弟兄们,人若说他有信心,却没有行为,有什么益处呢?这信心能救他吗?15如果有弟兄或姊妹缺衣少食,16而你们中间有人对他们说:“平平安安地去吧!愿你们穿得暖,吃得饱。”却不给他们身体所需用的,那有什么用处呢?17照样,如果只有信心,没有行为,这信心就是死的。
- e.g.曾听过一位执事反对用教会的钱帮助生活有困难的会有。
- a.p.永约教会奉献十一,Ministry Fund帮助有需要的机构、人等
- Pic e.g.金链神学院、TW改革宗神学院、金链神学生
- e.g.缅甸的宣教士、印度教会New Hope Family Church
- e.g.怜悯事工mercy fund(帮助有需要的人)
- e.g.帮助一位患癌症,没有薪水的弟兄
- e.g.一家人患病无法正常工作。教会帮助他们。
- 动用怜悯事工的钱,需教会领袖们批准。
- 罗 12:13 …客旅要热诚地款待[5] φιλοξενία[6] Philo/xe/nia。【客要一味的款待】
- 问:什么叫款待客旅?
- 不只是款待请人吃饭。
- φιλοξενία [7] = 原文意思是,接待人住他们家里。包括接待陌生的基督徒
- 来13:2(和合)不可忘记用爱心接待客旅;因为曾有接待φιλονεξία[8]客旅的,不知不觉就接待了天使。[9]
- e.g.亚伯拉罕接待三个人 (创18:2)
- e.g. 罗得接待两个人 (创19章)
- 问:使徒们为什么要信徒接待人住呢?
- 背景:信徒们受逼迫。(先是受犹太人、后是罗马政府的逼迫)
- 受逼迫时,他们按主耶稣的教导,会逃到另一个城市 (太 10:23)
- 徒 8:4 那些分散的人,经过各地,传扬福音真道。
- 徒11:19 那些因司提反事件遭受苦难而四散的门徒,一直走到腓尼基、塞浦路斯、安提阿;…
- 徒14:6 两人(保罗和巴拿巴)知道了,就逃往吕高尼的路司得和特庇两城,以及周围的地方,7 在那里传福音。[10]
- 背景[13]:为主传道的人,需要被接待
- e.g.以利亚、以利沙 (王上17:9、王下4:8-10)
- e.g.吕底亚邀请保罗与同工到她家住。(徒 16:14)
- 太 10:11 你们无论进哪一座城哪一个村,都要打听谁配接待你们,就住在那里,直到离去。12 到他家里的时候,要向他们问安;13 如果这家是配得的,你们的平安就必临到他们;如果这家不配得,你们的平安仍归你们。
- 原则:帮助那些为传福音的人
- 发现人比较愿意:接待有名气的牧师
- 但有许多无名的小传道人,他们可能更是需要帮助的
- 其实华人大多数都不愿意让不太认识的人暂住
- 问:有谁会愿意陌生的基督徒来你家住?
- 害怕:坏人怎么办?
- 害怕:偷你的东西?
- 害怕:赖着不走怎么办?
- 害怕:知道我的家的生活习惯。
- 害怕:我的孩子还小,安全吗?
- e.g.很难做到:不太过信徒愿意冒险开放自己的家
- e.g.几年前有一位从马来西亚的基督徒,因要参加恩约教会的讲座要求住进我家。
- e.g.但若有人要来新加坡旅行,要求我给他住? 我不会帮助
- 问:有一天如果你不想接待,但却又想帮有需要的弟兄,怎么办?
- 问:可以不可以让他们在教会暂住? 大多数的教会是不允许给人居住,需领袖们同意
- 作长老与牧师 (领袖)需要学习接待客旅
- (1)接待暂时有困苦,有需要的人。(2) 为福音缘故。
- 多1:7 因为监督是上帝的管家,所以必须无可指摘、不任性、不随便动怒、不好酒、不打人、不贪不义之财;8 却要接待φιλόξενος客旅、喜爱良善、自律、公正、圣洁、自制,9 坚守那合乎教义、可靠的真道,好使他能够用纯正的道理劝勉人,并且能够折服反对的人。
- 我们看见爱是有行动的。
- 接济有需要的信徒
- 为福音的缘故,好好的使用神赐予我们的房子
- 主恩待那些因祂缘故接济与接待的门徒
- 太10:40 “接待你们的,就是接待我;接待我的,就是接待那差我来的。41因先知的名接待先知的,必得先知所得的赏赐;因义人的名接待义人的,必得义人所得的赏赐。42无论谁因门徒的名,只把一杯凉水给这些微不足道的人中的一个喝,我实在告诉你们,他决不会得不到他的赏赐。
[1] The participial construction continues with imperatival force. There is a textual problem as to whether we should read “needs” or “remembrances”.78 Most scholars accept “needs”, but some cite Zahn for the view that Paul is referring to the contributions to his collection for the poor saints in Jerusalem (cf. 15:25; Cranfield finds no evidence for this meaning for the word). Another idea is that the readers are being invited to remember the saints as a way of gaining encouragement. But this involves the use of “saints” as outstanding Christians, a later usage than that of the New Testament, where the word means all believers. We should reject “remembrances” and understand the word to mean “needs”.Morris, L. .
In the first exhortation Paul uses the verbal form of the very familiar NT koinōnia, “fellowship.” Paul, however, is not urging us to have fellowship with the saints, but to have fellowship with, to participate in, the “needs” of the saints. Moo, D. J.
[2] In apostolic times there was urgent need for the practice of this virtue. There were the persecutions by which Christians were compelled to migrate. There were other reasons also for which they were moving from place to place. The messengers of the gospel were itinerating in the fulfilment of their commission. The world was inhospitable. Therefore hospitality was a prime example of the way in which believers were to be partakers in the needs of the saints.Murray, J.
[3] 后来保罗到加拉太众教会、亚该亚哥林多教会、马其顿地区的教会筹集捐献帮助犹太地区的信徒
[4] 有时我们可能也怜悯不愿悔改的人
[5] Another dimension of Christian love is the practice of hospitality. The need to give shelter and food to visitors was great in the NT world, there being few hotels or motels. And the need among Christians was exacerbated by the many traveling missionaries and other Christian workers. Hence the NT frequently urges Christians to offer hospitality to others (see 1 Tim. 3:2; Tit. 1:8; Heb. 13:2; 1 Pet. 4:9). But Paul does more than that here; he urges us to “pursue” it—to go out of our way to welcome and provide for travelers. Moo, D. J.
[6] Philoxenia
[7] Thayer Definition:1) love to strangers, hospitality
[8] Noun 名词
[9] (NCV)不要忘了用爱心接待人,有人就是这样作,在无意中就款待了天使。(ESV)Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. (ASV)Forget not to show love unto strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares. 彼前4:9你们要互相接待【款待】φιλόξενος (Adjective 形容词),不发怨言。
[10] 徒 14:1 保罗和巴拿巴在以哥念
[11] They opened their alpine home as a ministry to curious travellers and as a forum to discuss philosophical and religious beliefs..
[12] “Biblical Orthodoxy without compassion is surely the ugliest thing in the world”
[13] With this he links Practice hospitality. The exercise of hospitality was of great importance to the church of that day. It was not always possible or desirable to stay in inns, and in any case inns were not always available. But Christians like Paul travelled widely in the exercise of their ministry, and it mattered very greatly that wherever they went they found hospitality among the believers. They were all one family, and they readily welcomed as guests even believers whom they had never met (cf. 3 John 5).Morris, L.